Bez súhlasu.txt is the fourth book in the Czechoslovak edition .txt published in cooperation with three subjects, Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice, the cultural and social monthly Kapitál and the artistic collective APART. The topic of the book Bez súhlasu.txt has become a problem that persists in our society for a long time, but which many people still close their eyes to and whose victims feel unheard of, even invisible, due to maintained social stereotypes and power structures. This book discusses how the culture of rape survives among us. It arises from the collective frustration of the limited, almost absent #MeToo movement in our own, local context. The aim of the book is to open the topic in the Czech and Slovak environment, highlight the invisible and give space to voices that were silenced by the phrase “but we do not have to deal with this in our country” before the public space was opened for them.
Bez súhlasu.txt, devotes itself in the form of original essays to discourses about sexual violence and the culture of rape. The culture of rape is a collection of stories, ideas and attitudes that are maintained in our communities, while their goal is both to develop and excuse perpetrators of sexual violence and to silence people who experience or have experienced or point to sexual violence. However, this culture is maintained not only among people who publicly support violence, but also among those who usually agree without thinking with the formula that “each of us has the right to a dignified life without violence.”
Yet, the sexual violence occurs also because of the culture of rape. Violence is downplayed and justified until we come in contact with it. At the same time, it is the empowering and understanding reaction of the environment that is crucial for people who have experienced sexual violence and can prevent post-traumatic stress disorder. We invited authors from various professional fields of care, advocacy and sensitization to collaborate. In the book Bez súhlasu.txt, we want to present the topic from the perspective of the spaces in which the authors Petra Havlíková, Eva Bartáková, Sára Činčurová, Zuzana Bendíková, Katarína Danová, the Christian Ecumenical Group RFK, Zara Kromková and Alma Lily Rainer move and do their work. They writes about their direct experience with persistent and imposing narratives about violence and its victims, about its development and normalization, and about the so-called myths of rape.
The .txt edition brings a set of translations of important world thinkers, as well as original Slovak or Czech texts, which promptly respond to the latest philosophical, cultural, artistic, and social phenomena. These essays move on the border between academic and artistic research and engaged practice, they are actively involved in the social debate, exposing the problems that bother them; their voice is not quiet and resigned, it is strong and urgent. The .txt edition wants to be an open platform for these voices.
Bez súhlasu.txt
Essays © Katarína Danová, Alma Lily Rainer, Eva Bartáková and Petra Havlíková, Zara Kromková, RFK, Sára Činčurová, Zuzana Bendíková
Introduction © Veronika Valkovičová
Language: Slovak
Visual identity © Magda Scheryová, ONAONAONA
Graphic design and typesetting © Magda Scheryová
Typed in STIXGeneral
Translations: Ria Gehrerová, Petra Mertinová, Olga Pek
Proofreading: Jana Vicenová, Dagmar Pilařová
The dramaturgy of texts: Veronika Valkovičová, Zuzana Jakalová
Published by © Apart, Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice, Kapitál MMXX
ISBN 9788097156954
168 pages
First edition
1500 pcs
The book was published with the support of the Slovak Arts Council. Thank you to all who supported the publishing of book through the crowdfunding campaign on Startlab.
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