Ján Ballx
photos: Eva Benková, Peter Sit
design: Magda Schery
published by APART Label
0 years have passed then 10 2×10 3×10 4×10 before I had my first exhibition retrospective right before the beginning of 2010 now here 10.x since 10 years I am not working here anymore – in Nitra at psychiatric department still remains 10 nights and 10 days till 1st of May’s eve conscious presence is retrospective inaccurate memories on known places fills emptiness of lost relationships with kindness to present moment happening in impersonal interior in Nitra before Nyitra Neutra there was born psychiatrist Leopold Szondi author of eponymous test of emotional reaction to photography horrific portraits indicates instinctive diagnosis of viewer selection of exact picture as projected feeling paper wings are hung here and it is not necessary to search for the most favorite amount could afford attention counting helps to bear uncertainty We count on 10 fingers unevolved wings former fins for swimming by fingers is digital digitus is finger we swim in reality also digital one we count more and more in binary codes of machines from 1 to 0 10 as higher noble order and Pythagoras dimensions of tetractys pattern present elusive feeling of viewer eternal numbers cannot capture loss of subject 1 is 0 and nobody cares about what non-existing viewer X likes sons of night Hypnos and Thanatos with butterflies softness of uncertainty could be only palpated could be able to brace up against air and float in rhythmical convulsions and after fall in relief slide on uplift of merely weightless body waving of wings prancing arms of baby towards mother agitated seeking of loving persons